Want to join?
It’s easy to get involved! Join our email list where you'll receive regular updates and special info. You can also send us a message below if you want more info or have any questions, or email us directly at ua.aiaa@gmail.com
Chat with fellow club members and get more frequent and reliable updates by joining our discord server using the link below! You can also assign yourself a role in the #announcements channel to get access to project-specific channels.
Want to check us out? Come to one of our meetings in AME S408 every Monday for general body meetings!
We are currently holding general body meetings from 7-8p every Thursday. The planes subgroup meets from 6-7p on Mondays, and the rockets subgroup meets on Mondays as well from 7-8p.
AME S408 is on the top floor of the South Side of the AME building, closest to Mountain Avenue. We hope to see you there!
Send us a message
AIAA Lab - AME S408
1301 E Speedway Blvd
Tucson, AZ 85719